Leader Turned Coach
Helping leaders learn coaching skills stems from experimenting with coaching skills as an executive. I help unlock the potential of individuals, teams and the senior executives putting my Profesional-Coach certification as well my expertise as an executive leader and start up Founder.
As Instructor of Record for the Executive Coaching Program at the University of Texas Dallas School of Management, I help equip the next generation of coaches with skills to elevate the performance of each client.
My secret power is facilitating new thinking, so leaders can elevate their game.
Then a funny thing happened on my journey of coaching leaders: I opened a Business Building Academy.
Why a Business Academy?
When I graduated with my Coaching Certification, I quickly scaled and wrote a best-seller for executives.
Coaches came up to me asking what I did and if I could help them. "Happy to share and NO, I do not help coaches build their business. I help leaders make an impact."
That simple statement convinced me the best way to make an impact was to help coaches become successful. The Coach Business Building Academy (CBBA) was born.
The CBBA is made for coaches however entrepreneurs of all kinds have joined the CBBA because the principles are timeless. In the CBBA business owners learn the building blocks to build a business, scale and get clients.

From Academy to Founders
Coaching someone in the C-Suite is like traveling to MARS, you need special equipment, deep expertise, elite skills, meticulous planning and specialized gear.
Coaching a female founder puts that to shame. Imagine instead traveling to the center of the Milky Way: volatile, shocking and powerful with monster black holes.
There is nothing quite as exhilarating, gut wrenching or heart stopping as coaching female founders, requiring much more of a coach than specialized equipment and gear.
Coaching female founders was a calling, one I humbly accepted.
I Speak Your Language
You'll quickly discover I am approachable, lighthearted and a calming presence.
The fundamental difference in my approach is it's more about you and less about me. You know your business as no one else can, and building on that I’ll provide you a foundation to get you where you want to go, faster and with confident clarity.
My expertise is in navigating human behavior in the context of today’s business environment.
Results my clients get is achieving the seemingly impossible.
I’m totally invested in their success and will be in yours if we're lucky enough to partner together.

Resources You Can Use
Resources are part of growth and development. Creating emotionally healthy and productive spaces is crucial for high performance teams. I wrote Power, Poise and Presence to help leaders show up as their very best selves.
This resource is packed with coaching skills for leaders with a very simple implementation. Part of being a professional coach is staying abreast of the latest high performance research which means you'll be exposed to a number of fresh resources that you'll have at your fingertips.
Resource recommendations for leaders, coaches and facilitators are provided with affiliate links and discounts for you here.